A multi-function bot, written in OCaml Most of the functions of this bot are used in the developm...<
Python Juju Quant Engine PYJUQUE (pai-jook) (Py-thon Ju-ju Qu-ant E-ngine) This project implement...<
squidgirl Splatoonコミュニティ向けbot 雑に管理しています<
Thanks for Everything We will always remember you.. Yusuf Usta @fusufs Asena; Asena UserBot, What...<
telegram-api High-level bindings to the Telegram Bot API based on servant library. Both getUpdate...<
PLEASE check the Dev build before doing a PR if master does not have a feature your looking for...<
spam-bot-3000 A python command-line (CLI) bot for automating research and promotion on popular so...<
Delbot™ It understands your voice commands, searches news and knowledge sources, and summarizes a...<
why cant i, hold all these different kinds of item https://twitter.com/limesbot https://mastodon....<
mastodon-apod its a mastodon bot that posts the most recent image from NASAs Astronomy Picture ...<