数学建模资源 更新模块 更新 2021年论文模版(包括 word 版本、Latex 版本) 更新 数学建模网论坛上提问(比赛期间,论坛解答) 更新 2020 年优秀论文(2021年8月21日)⏬...<
The VOT evaluation kit (legacy) This repository contains the legacy version of the evaluation too...<
MATLABRobotics MATLAB sample codes for mobile robot navigation. === Im sorry this project is no ...<
9月28日更新 b站视频失效已经有一段时间了,非常抱歉一直没有处理。前段时间将视频全部上传了阿里云盘,在b站动态发布了,但是似乎看动态的人不多。更新一下 GitHub ,先暂时顶着吧,体验和b站...<
MBeautifier MBeautifier is a lightweight M-Script based MATLAB source code formatter usable direc...<
Plotly Graphing Library for MATLAB® Plotly Graphing Library for MATLAB® - Create interactive char...<
HDR Toolbox HDR Toolbox is a MATLAB/Octave toolbox for processing High Dynamic Range (HDR) conten...<
Dual-Path Convolutional Image-Text Embedding [Paper] [Slide] This repository contains the code fo...<
MATLAB Plot Cheatsheet This is a handy cheatsheet for matlab users, especially for those who are ...<
Pedestrian Alignment Network for Person Re-identification This repo is for our IEEE TCSVT paper [...<