Searchio! workflow for Alfred Auto-suggest search results from multiple search engines and langua...<
Alfred Workflows Please read contribution guidelines before contributing. Collections Design Deve...<
Create Alfred workflows with ease Highlights Easy input↔output. Config and cache handling built-i...<
Homebrew + Alfred Manage Alfred with Homebrew. Workflows require the paid Powerpack upgrade. Inst...<
Chrome Control A JXA script and an Alfred Workflow for controlling Google Chrome (Javascript for ...<
alfred-polyglot Translate text using Google Translate in Alfred Alfred forum thread Install $ npm...<
A curated list of Awesome Alfred Workflows. Alfred is a productivity app for macOS that boosts yo...<
30-seconds-of-code-texteditorsnippets Included in this repository are the files you need to impor...<
Alfred Chrome History Workflow Access your Google Chrome history from Alfred with ch {query}. How...<
markdown图片实用工具 这是一个方便的图片上传实用工具,可以方便, 快速地把一张图片上传然后得到一个图片链接: 极速截图转图片链接 极速本地图片转图片链接 极速网络图片转自定义图片链接 图...<