containerise Firefox extension to automatically open websites in a container Select your containe...<
Panorama Tab Groups Effective Immediately: Feature Code Freeze while CI pipeline implemented to a...<
Github + Mermaid A browser extension for Chrome, Opera & Firefox that adds Mermaid language suppo...<
Welcome to Scratch Addons repository! About Scratch Addons is a WebExtension (supports both Chro...<
browser-extension-template Barebones boilerplate with Parcel 2, options handler and auto-publishi...<
Lovely forks Firefox addon Chrome extension Can also be installed on Opera through the Opera Chro...<
This extension allows you to fill all form inputs (textboxes, textareas, radio buttons, dropdowns...<
Realize For React As React applications scale, it becomes more difficult to track state and to ha...<
Spotify Lyrics Install Extension: Chrome/Chromium/Firefox: Download the zip on the release page, ...<
VivaldiFox A Firefox add-on for Vivaldi style UI colouring. Setup npm i -g web-ext Compiling xpi ...<