This project is no longer maintained! feedigest is a simpler alternative that groups all updates ...<
feed2json Takes a Feed URL (RSS or Atom) and returns a JSONFeed. About Just a small spike to see ...<
ImportJS Atom package This is the Atom package for ImportJS. Installing Install the atom-import-j...<
Nunjucks Language Support in Atom Syntax highlighting and snippets for nunjucks templates in the ...<
Tester PHPUnit Tester PHPUnit is a tester provider for the Atom Tester. How to / Installation You...<
ajom A leiningen template for atom plugins in clojurescript with code live-reload Usage lein new ...<
Envy Text editing supercharger Envy is an Atom package that provides a switchable mode in which l...<
atom-markdown-image-assistant Add sane drag and drop and copy/paste support for images to markdow...<
ide-D D language and IDE support for Atom Features The features are provided by serve-d, dcd, dsc...<
GraphViz preview+ Write and preview GraphViz dot with ctrl-shift-G. Enabled for .dot and .gv file...<