Machine Learning From Scratch About Python implementations of some of the fundamental Machine Lea...<
BitcoinForecast Predict bitcoin value for the next 9minutes, with Recurrental Neural Network GRU....<
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Machine-Learning-and-AI-in-Trading Here is some of codes generated in Python using Machine Learni...<
Awesome Quantum Machine Learning A curated list of awesome quantum machine learning algorithms,st...<
Compute Library The Compute Library is a collection of low-level machine learning functions optim...<
Determined: Deep Learning Training Platform Determined is an open-source deep learning training p...<
Audio Steganalysis with Handcrafted Features Design (Statistical Machine Learning) Audio steganal...<
Metaprob A language for probabilistic programming and metaprogramming, embedded in Clojure. Note:...<
Coursera-Machine-Learning-Andrew-NG This is a repository of my coursera Machine Learning by Stand...<