KServe KServe provides a Kubernetes Custom Resource Definition for serving machine learning (ML) ...<
PytorchLightning Tutorials This is the Lightning Library - collection of Lightning related notebo...<
南瓜书PumpkinBook 简体中文 | French “周志华老师的《机器学习》(西瓜书)是机器学习领域的经典入门教材之一,周老师为了使尽可能多的读者通过西瓜书对机器学习有所了解, 所以在书...<
Tracking Progress in Natural Language Processing Table of contents English Automatic speech recog...<
Computer Science courses with video lectures Introduction Please check NOTES for general informat...<
斯坦福大学2014(吴恩达)机器学习教程中文笔记 课程地址:https://www.coursera.org/course/ml 笔记在线阅读 Machine Learning(机器学习)是研究...<
Open User Behavior Analytics A robust, and flexible open source User & Entity Behavior Analytics ...<
Guildsman Resignation As of July 6, 2018, Im resigning from my work on Guildsman. While I have m...<
omega|ml - DataOps & MLOps for humans with just a single line of code you can deploy machine lear...<
Jovian: Learning Platform for Data Science & ML. Jovian is a platform for sharing and collaborari...<