NLTK 会被自然地看作是具有栈结构的一系列层,这些层构建于彼此基础之上。那些熟悉人工语言(比如 Python)的文法和解析的读者来说,理解自然语言模型中类似的 —— 但更深奥的 —— 层不会有...<
Cadmium is a Natural Language Processing (NLP) library for Crystal. For full API documentation ch...<
textlint The pluggable linting tool for text and markdown. textlint is similar to ESLint, but it...<
Ansj中文分词 使用帮助 开发文档:3.x版本及之前,5.x版本及之后 摘要 这是一个基于n-Gram+CRF+HMM的中文分词的java实现。 分词速度达到每秒钟大约200万字左右(mac ...<
Mycroft Mycroft is a hackable open source voice assistant. Table of Contents Getting Started Runn...<
Chainer implementation of Google AIs BERT model with a script to load Googles pre-trained model...<
tika-python A Python port of the Apache Tika library that makes Tika available using the Tika RES...<
news-please news-please is an open source, easy-to-use news crawler that extracts structured info...<
Turkish Morphology A two-level morphological analyzer for Turkish. This is not an official Google...<
Text Classification The purpose of this repository is to explore text classification methods in N...<