BottomBar (Deprecated) I dont have time to maintain this anymore. I basically wrote the whole li...<
Material Design This repo contains all the planning for current and work-in-progress Material Des...<
Ember Paper This project aims to bring Googles new Material Design to Ember. The goal is to enca...<
React Selectrix A beautiful, materialized, easy to use and flexible React Select replacement Demo...<
Show some ❤️ and star the repo to support the project This repository containing links of all the...<
Official components for Angular The Angular team builds and maintains both common UI components a...<
GithubFollows A simple demo project based on MVVM clean architecture and material design & animat...<
Progressive Web Application A demo for progressive web application with features like offline, pu...<
NativeScript-FloatingActionButton NativeScript plugin for Material Design Floating Action Button ...<