Flutter WhatsAppClone Building a WhatsApp Clone in Flutter. Show some ❤️ and star the repo to sup...<
Floating Action Button Speed Dial Android library providing an implementation of the Material Des...<
Material Spinner Usage Add the spinner to your layout XML: <com.jaredrummler.materialspinner.Mate...<
ML Manager 1.X A modern, easy and customizable app manager for Android with root features and Mat...<
FancyToast-Android Prerequisites Add this in your root build.gradle file (not your module build.g...<
THIS PROJECT IS DEPRECATED Component is not maintained anymore. Implementation of Lollipop+ Diale...<
Etar Calendar Etar (from Arabic: إِيتَار) is an open source material designed calendar made for e...<
Awesome-WanAndroid 致力于打造一款极致体验的WanAndroid客户端,知识和美是可以并存的哦QAQn(≧▽≦)n ,更好的 Awesome-WanAndroid V1.2.5...<
Cyanea A theme engine for Android. Themes are immutable, possibilities are beautiful. About A pow...<
Material Bottom Navigation Library Lightweight Bottom Navigation library component inspired by th...<