szuthesis Shenzhen University Undergraduate Thesis 简介 论文主要关于推荐系统,重点研究在利用隐式反馈的推荐算法上如何融合内容信息, 算法模型为...<
NASA-LaTeX-Docs Please refer to the official documentation: NASA-LaTeX-Docs Documentation Usage: ...<
latex2exp latex2exp is an R package that parses and converts LaTeX math formulas to R’s plotmath ...<
dapper-invoice A billable-time invoice featuring style over substance. Pre-Requisites TeX Live Te...<
Pandoc Markdown template This repository is a small collection of personal Markdown templates for...<
Using pandoc with GitHub Actions You can use pandoc, the universal markup converter, on GitHub Ac...<
remark-math remark and rehype plugins to support math! Install This package is ESM only: Node 12+...<
dvisvgm – A fast DVI to SVG converter Description dvisvgm is a utility for TeX/LaTeX users. It co...<
jlcode.sty License jlcode.sty Copyright 2018 GitHub user wg030 This work may be distributed and/o...<
paperist/texlive-ja The minimal TeXLive Docker image for Japanese コンパクトな日本語向け TeXLive Docker イメージ...<