classic.tplx A more accurate representation of jupyter notebooks when converting to pdfs. This te...<
LaTeXdoc for LaTeX command quick learning and search. Download: ver-0.7 Compile clone repo to loc...<
magic-latex-buffer.el Magically enhance LaTeX-mode font-locking for semi-WYSIWYG editing. LaTeX-m...<
pdfpc-latex-notes This is a LaTeX Package that allows creating pdfpc compatible notes file direct...<
幻灯片模板合集 customize-template/ simple-chinese-slide/ Slide-AUTheme/ Slide-Berkeley/ slide-Cuerna/<
Hagenberg Thesis Document Collection (LaTeX) What You Find Here This is a collection of modern La...<
简介 PanBook基于Pandoc的lua filter功能,适配各种书籍,论文,幻灯片及简历的LaTeX或EPUB模板。 目标是使用Pandocs Markdown作为写作语言,实现一次编...<
Digestif Digestif is a code analyzer, and a language server, for LaTeX, ConTeXt et caterva. It pr...<
SciHub to PDF(Beta) Description scihub2pdf is a module of bibcure Downloads pdfs via a DOI number...<
SRS-IEEE A Latex template for a Software Requirements Specification that respects the IEEE standa...<